Build your app for Robin


Building with Xcode command line tools

To build an app with Xcode command line tools xcrun xcodebuild should be used. Here is an example on how to build an app called MyApp for iOS simulator target:

xcodebuild -project MyApp.xcodeproj \
-scheme MyApp \
-configuration Debug \
-destination 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator' \

The .app file will then be located build/ folder, which can be modified via the last parameter of the script.

Building with Fastlane

If you use fastlane for your automation pipelines the script should look the following way:

      configuration: build_config[:configuration],
      scheme: build_config[:scheme],
      workspace: build_config[:xcode_workspace],
      xcargs: "-quiet -sdk 'iphonesimulator' -destination 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator'",
      derivedDataPath: IOS_DERIVED_DATA_PATH # this will contain the .app which we need later on

Building with Flutter

If you use Flutter to build your app you can create a debug build for simulators using the following command:

flutter build ios --debug --simulator

You can then find your app file in the build/ios/iphonesimulator/ directory.


Android app binary requirements:

  • APK (AAB not supported)

  • Compatible with x86_64 architecture

  • Release and Debug builds both supported

Building with Gradle

Build your app using one of the commands below. Then find the appropriate APK file in the build/outputs/apk/ output directory.

# Release build
./gradlew assembleRelease

# Debug build
./gradlew assembleDebug

Building with Flutter

If you use Flutter to build your app you can create a debug build using the following command:

# Release build
flutter build apk

# Debug build
flutter build apk --debug

You can then find the built apk in the build/app/outputs/folder.

Last updated

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